
Green Viper Package
Package 1. $200 includes:
Logo and Link included on our Website.
Intercom mention at end of each quarter

Horned Viper Package
Package 3. $700 includes:
Logo and Link included on our Website.
Intercom mention at end of each quarter at all Home Games
Weekly Mention on Social Media Profiles
Personalized Banner Displayed at all home games.
Sponsorship Plaque.

Cottonmouth Package
Package 2. $400 Includes:
Logo and Link included on our Website.
Intercom mention at end of each quarter
Name included on Sponsors Banner Displayed at all home games.
Weekly Mention on Social Media Profiles

Rattlesnake Package
Package 4. $1000+ includes:
Logo and Link included on our Website.
Intercom mention at end of each quarter at all Home Games.
Personalized Banner Displayed at all home games.
Sponsorship Plaque
Weekly Mention on Social Media Profiles
Viper Jersey with Sponsor name